PTC ICEM DDN V5.0 正式版 For WinNT/2K << 參數科技‧3D 工業工程繪圖軟體最新版!>>
■ 安裝方式:(請見最下方說明)
ICEM DDN is a professional 3D CAD/CAM system covering all
applications, from 2D design and drafting to complex surface and
solid modeling, in an open systems architecture. Incorporating
graphic functions and processes for computer-aided product
development, ICEM DDN is designed to be used by technical
drafters, designers, and engineers.
Thanks to ICEM DDN's modular structure, you only have to select
those parts of the program actually required for your work. Plus,
the built-in database allows simultaneous access to all data as
one of the basic requirements for any Simultaneous Engineering
ICEM DDN is an interactive system, offering a common foundation
for the entire product development cycle from the first
conceptual design through detailing and documentation to the
preparation of NC manufacturing data. The right combination of the
various building blocks provides the optimum, tailor-made solution
for every design, analysis, or manufacturing job.
If you use a modern CAD/CAM system for your product development,
its efficiency is widely determined by the interplay of several
components. On the one hand, the system must have a comprehensive
set of functions and features which can be configured to your
specific requirements, so that you can accomplish even the most
sophisticated tasks. On the other hand, the system must be
flexible and include modules which can be integrated into your
existing engineering environment, to provide the most efficient
and cost effective use of the system.
For more Information:
■ 安裝方式如下:
1. run the setup.exe to install.
2. select your options to install
3. use the included keygen Crack/o-pice5k.exe to generate
your license. be sure to clean up the "-" in your hostid
4. copy the license.dat to your icem installdir/lic/ directory
5. run it