Lynda com Kit Hinrichs Creative Inspirations 英文正式版(教學)
Lynda com Kit Hinrichs Creative Inspirations 英文正式版(教學)
Harry Marks 被很多人視為廣播設計的教父,他的成就遠遠超過了其它人。Harry 在電視圖形
方面的工作是前人從未嘗試過的,他因此而改變了電視。Harry 不僅提倡新興影像技術的應用
領軍人物都有合作,包括 Douglas Trumbull, Robert Abel, Carl Rosendahl(他的公司已
發展成為夢工廠動畫公司),以及Dale Herigstad。80年代初,Harry 有意把在科技、娛樂、
設計這些不同領域內從業的人員聚集到一起,因此與Richard Saul Wurman合夥,成立了TED大
會(TED Conference)。
Kit Hinrichs is one of the most accomplished and respected
graphic designers and illustrators of the last fifty years.
A master of corporate communications and a consummate visual
storyteller, he has been awarded the highest honor in his
field: the AIGA Medal. Formerly a partner in the legendary
design firm Pentagram, he is reinventing himself (again)
with a new endeavor called Studio Hinrichs. In this Creative
Inspirations documentary, Kit shares highlights of recent
projects, his renowned collection of American flags and
American flag memorabilia, as well as the irrefutable wisdom
of one who has stayed at the top of his game for five decades.